Pupil Premium
The school receives an allocation of funding from the government, called the Pupil Premium Grant, to support children who are entitled to receive free school meals and for any looked after children. This funding allows us to provide an enriched curriculum and additional support for children in reading, writing and maths, giving children greater opportunities to reach their potential.
The Governing Body of the school have decided that this grant should be spent as follows:
- additional classroom support for reading, writing and maths
- small group tuition for literacy and maths
- one to one support
- support for extra curricular activities
- support for school visits
- support for pastoral care
The Pupil Premium Grant is carefully monitored by the Governors Resources Committee to ensure that the money is being used to benefit all our free school meal pupils.
The school regularly evaluates the impact on each FSM pupil at the end of each term. Evaluation focuses on academic gains in literacy and numeracy. Qualitative measurement is also considered, most importantly, how pupils' self-confidence have developed as a consequence of the intervention.
The Pupil Premium report for 2020-2021 can be viewed below: