Our Governing Body is responsible for the strategic direction of the school. We have spent time, over the last 3 years considering how we can continue to improve during an ever-changing economic and education climate. We feel that the best way for us to do this is to join a Multi Academy Trust.
We looked at many options, and now believe that we have identified the right Multi Academy Trust for our school. We are pleased to share with you that the Trust we are considering is called Scholars’ Education Trust (SET). They currently operate eleven schools (both Primary and Secondary) in Hertfordshire and Bedfordshire, the closest of which is Robert Barclay Academy, a Secondary School in Hoddesdon.
Scholars’ Education Trust has an ethos which chimes with our own; to work collaboratively to provide young people in our care with the knowledge, skills and qualities they need to make a positive difference in the world. We have chosen this Trust as they allow Governors and senior leaders the autonomy to deliver a great education for the children, but with less of the administrative challenges that we currently face.
A consultation meeting was held for families on Tuesday 7th May where members of Scholars Education Trust gave a presentation and answered questions. Please see attachment below, along with the consultation document and Frequently Asked Questions.
** UPDATE **
All the relevant paperwork from school has been submitted and we are currently awaiting the completion of due diligence from Scholars Trust. We will update you in the Autumn term once the due diligence has been finalised.